Digestive Health
12 products
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Digestive Health - Stop Indigestion , Apple Cider, Digestive System
The digestive system is a group of organs in your body which all work together to break down food so it can absorb nutrients to make fuel for your body. The digestive tract forms one long tube in your body.
At any one point, it has been estimated that up to 40% of the population has one or more digestive problems at any one time. Most of these problems is due to lifestyle, stress or the type of food that have been eaten. Making small changes to your lifestyle can help and even prevent these symptoms.
The most common problems are:
Indigestion and Heartburn
Indigestion can be pain and/or discomfort in the upper abdomen or burning pain behind the breastbone. It usually occurs after eating and drinking and symptoms can include:
• Feeling sick
• Belching
• Bringing up food or fluid into the gullet