Stop Smoking
17 products
Showing 1 - 17 of 17 products
Quit Smoking - Nicotine Replacement Therapy - Nicorette, NiQuitin Lozenges, Chewing Gum, Sprays and Pens
There are a number of quit smoking products which have received regulatory approval in the Ireland. Research shows that while many people attempt to discontinue smoking, only about five percent can do it without such aids. Thus, using these products will greatly increase your chances of success.
Smoking cessation aids come mainly in the form of nicotine replacement therapy products which are extremely popular and sold in the form of lozenges, inhalers, sprays, and patches. While some of these products can be purchased without needing a prescription, others require you to speak with a doctor to obtain on prescription. The goal of nicotine replacement is to lower your cravings for it along with the associated withdrawal symptoms.
Lozenges are sold as tablets which comprise tiny levels of nicotine. They must be inserted between the gum line and cheek and then slowly sucked until they dissolve. Nicotine will enter the bloodstream after which it will be absorbed into the mouth’s lining. They don’t need to be chewed and will not attach to dental wear such as braces.
Inhalers are designed to provide smaller nicotine doses via inhalation. When the inhaler is puffed, the vapor will be emitted from the internal cartridge, after which it will get into the bloodstream where the user will absorb it. Nasal sprays provide nicotine through the nostrils. Most products recommend one or two sprays which must be applied to both nostrils once an hour. Sprays are good for controlling sudden cravings and function more rapidly when compared to other forms of nicotine replacement.
Nicotine patches come in the form of a miniature adhesive which is applied to the skin, after which it provides a gradual release of nicotine directly into the body. A new patch must be applied daily in a hairless region between the neck and waist, like the chest or upper arm. These products are simple to use, don’t need a prescription and control withdrawal symptoms.
McDaid Pharmacy carries the largest selection of stop smoking merchandise that you’ll find anywhere in Ireland. Such products include NiQuitin, Nicorette icy white 4mg medicated chewing gum, the Nicorette Invisipatch, which is transdermal and works for up to sixteen hours, the Nicorette QuickMist mouth spray which can be used by heavy or light smokers, and the Nicorette 15mg inhaler and 2 mg lozenges. These high quality goods are tested and formulated to help you stop smoking for good.