Piles and Haemorrhoids
9 products
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Piles and Haemorrhoids, Wipes, Cream, Gel, Anusol (HC Suppositories & HC Ointment)
Enlarged, engorged and enflamed veins and vascular structures within the rectal canal are referred to as piles or haemorrhoids. Before becoming problematic, in a normal state act these veins act as cushions which are used to control stool. However, they can become inflamed or swollen, and additional symptoms will vary depending on type. Haemorrhoids may be internal or external (prolapsed).
Internal hemorrhoids are usually painless, but cause brightly colored bleeding after defecation. External haemorrhoids are often painful and will exhibit swelling near the anus, and its blood will typically be darker. In most cases the symptoms will clear up within three days, but external haemorrhoids might leave behind skin tags even after healing.
While the precise cause of hemorrhoids is not fully understood, most experts agree that it partly results from an increase in abdominal pressure. This could come from diarrhea, sitting for long periods of time or constipation. Piles also occur more frequently in women who are pregnant. They can be diagnosed visually through a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, but because there are more serious conditions such as colon cancer which exhibit similar signs, doctors must rule them out.
Although haemorrhoids typically clear up themselves within 3 days, they can cause lots of discomfort in the meantime, and as such a number of products have been developed to provide relief. These products usually come in the form of creams or NSAIDs, but should be combined with greater fiber intake, fluid consumption (especially water) and rest.
There are rare instances where haemorrhoids do not improve and the symptoms increase in severity. When this happens, it might be necessary to perform a minor surgical procedure. However, this is quite uncommon, and the majority of people will recover with standard treatment. Research shows that between fifty and sixty six percent of people will develop haemorrhoids during their lives.
There is no difference between genders, as men and women develop haemorrhoids at the same rate. However, this condition does seem to be partly age related, as those most likely to develop it are between the ages of forty five and sixty five. It has also been discovered that wealthier people are more likely to develop haemorrhoids, and this condition was known to the Ancient Egyptians and described in papyrus.
McDaid Pharmacy carries a wide assortment of quality haemorrhoids treatment products. These include Anusol Suppositories, ointment and creams, Anusol Soothing & Cleansing wipes, and Preparation H Clear Gel. These products will treat the aggravating symptoms such as pain, itching and bleeding while allowing your body to heal naturally.