103 products
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Pregnancy Tests, Viagra, Condoms, Discreet, Feminine, Antifungal, Vaginal
Discreet products include personal care and hygiene items that can be used for vaginal discharge, menstruation, or any bodily function which is associated with the vagina or vulva. They consist of things such as menstrual cups, sanitary napkins, period panties, and tampons. Some of this merchandise might also be designed for cleansing the vagina or vulva, and include feminine wipes and douches.
However, women must exercise care and use these products as directed, because improper use could lead to irritation or allergic reaction. The vagina cleanses itself naturally by flushing away bacteria, so improper or excessive use of vaginal cleansing products might alter the vaginal acidity and flora in an adverse way. Feminine discreet products come in two categories, which are reusable or disposable. Sanitary pantyliners, napkins and tampons are considered disposable whereas menstrual pads, cups, sponges and panties may be reused.
Tampons are inserted within the vagina so that they may absorb menstrual blood, and can be worn while swimming. They come in various absorbent levels. Pantyliners attach to underwear from the inside and will also absorb uterine lining and blood during menstruation. Women might sometimes combine them with tampons. Sanitary napkins or pads may also be worn within the underwear and are designed to absorb heavy liquid. They come in a variety of lengths and absorbent levels and may or may not have wings.
Feminine wipes come in the form of a cloth which is scented, moist and designed to wipe down the vulva. Douches are a type of fluid which can flush out a woman’s vagina from the inside. Unscented soaps may also be used for vulva cleaning and have a lower irritation risk. It is important to purchase high quality products which have been tested and reviewed, because low end feminine hygiene products might include fragrances or other substances which might cause discomfort or even a yeast infection.
Every feminine hygiene product sold by McDaid Pharmacy has been rigorously reviewed to ensure it will provide maximum comfort and cleanliness when used, without causing irritation. This merchandise includes Anusol Ointment, Durex Massage Intimate Gel, Clearblue Ovulation Test, Preparation H Wipes, Tampax Pearl Super Tampons, and Hair Removal Cream. These products are versatile and when worn will provide discretion while preventing embarrassing menstrual episodes. Some of them are designed to be used at night or worn during the day, and will provide maximum absorption and protection.