Makeup | Cosmetics
99 products
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Makeup, Cosmetics. Foundation, Mascara, Concealer, Eye Shadow, Lipstick, Bronzer, Blush, Contouring
Makeup and beauty products constitute a variety of chemical based compounds which are either synthetic or naturally created to enhance one’s beauty. This includes concealer, mascara, bronzer, foundation, eye shadow, lipstick and blush which can highlight a person’s face and other desirable features, such as their eyelashes or eyebrows.
The primary purpose of concealer is to mask unattractive skin blemishes or marks. Mascara is designed to thicken, lengthen or darken eyelashes. It is usually sold in the form of a cream which is thick and accompanied with a brush featuring a spiral type bristle. It comes in an assortment of colours, some of which have glitter. Bronzer is designed to bring colour to one’s skin, and usually comes in a tan or bronze shade which makes it appear as if the wearer has a tan. It is sold in a shimmer, matte, satin or semi-matte finish. Foundation usually comes in the form of a liquid, powder, mousse or cream which is placed on and completely covers the face to produce a base which is even and smooth.
Eye shadow will accentuate the appearance or shape of the region around one’s eyes, especially near the eyelid and area beneath the eyebrow. As with mascara, it is usually packed with a special brush that has bristles which are round and small. Eye shadow is extremely versatile and sold in nearly every colour, and has a variety of finishes which range from glossy to pigmented, glittery and matte.
Lipstick brings texture and coloration to one’s lips, and will also moisturise them while defining their edges. Lip balm is similar to lipstick but is made to protect and moisturise the lips, with many brands providing UV protection. Lipstick is sold in multiple finishes and colours and many brands are waterproof. Blush, which is also known as blusher or rouge, is a powder, liquid or cream which is placed in the middle of one’s cheeks for the purpose of boosting their colour. They will often be sold in brown, pink or a warm tan.
The makeup and beauty products that we carry at McDaid Pharmacy are industry leading and include brands such as Swiss-O-Par Lash & Brow Dye, Max Factor Panstik Foundation, LUNA Eye Catcher, Complete Cover Up Concealer, and a whole lot more. When used and applied properly these products will beautify, cleanse and enhance physical attractiveness without altering the structure of the body or its functions.